Monday, November 30, 2015

Bay View RV Resort, Rockport, Texas – November 23-29, 2015

Monday morning: 49° at 7:00 a.m. Brrr! I had my annual physical, resulting in glowing marks. Guess I’m pretty healthy, and will be around a long time. A walk along Fulton Beach Road was my reward where we saw an osprey holding a fish in its talons perched atop a piling.

This was followed by happy hour with Jerry and Bonnie (Idaho) at their site. They have a lovely little paradise behind their coach, which they’ve cultivated over the years they’ve been here. Ferns, a willow tree, and other greenery surround their patio area. They’ve also planted citrus trees, a banana tree (with bunches of bananas on it!), and a date tree (with 2 dates growing on it!) The following photos are taken from her FB site. (Hope you don’t mind, Bonnie.) She served a strawberry/balsamic vinegar/hot pepper jelly over cream cheese that her daughter had made, with crackers. YUM! Such good friends.

We woke up to an overcast day on Tuesday, with temps a bit warmer at 60°.  I attended my first Stitch and Bitch session that morning, with 7 other friends. We discussed how and when to decorate the clubhouse for Thanksgiving and the anticipated Thanksgiving dinner. It was decided that we’d wait ‘til Thursday morning to take care of decorating, as there was a happy hour and dinner Wednesday night for which we’d have to redo the tables. This photo was taken of our group taken on November 17, where gals were embroidering, working with fleece for an afghan, knitting, crocheting, and just plain chatting. Fun times.

Later that day Dick and I attended happy hour at Lynda’s—there were about 25 people gathered around her patio. The weather was warm (in the low 70s), and friendships were being renewed. Afterwards we went to Panjo’s Pizza for dinner, along with friends, Gary and Pam (Oregon), Bob and Sharon (Missouri), and Arlene (her husband had fallen recently, injuring his foot and wrist so he didn’t join us; the next day we found out he had actually broken bones in his foot). Good food, good times. Can’t get much better than this!

Laundry was on the docket for Wednesday, after breakfast at Whataburger. Then, Dick walked along Fulton Beach Road, seeing an egret and osprey. 

 Happy hour at the clubhouse was at 4:00, following by another of Chef Betty’s wonderful dinners. This night it was Dutchess potato soup, fish sliders made with grouper, coleslaw, rolls and butter, and key lime pie for dessert. YUM! Perfect meal preceding Thanksgiving’s feast! During happy hour an 8-point buck ran through the park, right outside the clubhouse windows. So cool!

Thursday morning after breakfast the gals decorated the clubhouse for Thanksgiving—tablecloths and centerpieces on the tables—anticipating the 107 people expected for dinner at 2:00, following happy hour at 1:00. Chef Betty supplied the turkeys, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy; the remaining items were supplied by the campers. Dick, Bob and Gary helped carve 10 turkeys that morning. I guarantee no one went away hungry! The pool tables were covered with cloths to protect them, and then covered with rolls, salads, vegies and other side dishes, and desserts. What a wonderful afternoon with friends, old and new, who have become our Texas family.

That evening, after naps and a day of football, we joined Bill and Carole, and Gary and Pam for 3 games of Pegs and Jokers. Guys:1, gals: 2. Woot-woot!

Weather continued to warm up. The thermometer read 71° at 7:00 a.m. Friday morning. That morning Dick and I walked along Fulton Beach Road for about an hour, where we saw quite a few holiday visitors walking, fishing, and riding their bikes—all with smiles on their faces. 

Later was happy hour at the clubhouse with live music by the park’s “Jam Session Guys.” What an enjoyable time—and yes, we do sing along quite often. The park’s owner Paul and his wife Stephanie, from Dallas, were in attendance after spending Thanksgiving with her dad in Bayside, Texas. We decided that dinner that night was with me not cooking, so off to Latitude 28°02’ in old town Rockport we went. Dick had Fish Oscar (with black drum, crab and asparagus), while I had stuffed shrimp (3 each stuffed with crabmeat and spinach). For dessert we had their crème brulee. And, I also tried their holiday specialty: crème de cacao with vanilla vodka, rimmed with crushed peppermint. The entire 5-star dinner rates a YUM-YUM! We walked out of the restaurant to an almost full moon reflecting on the water, warm temps and a slight breeze. Perfect!

By Saturday morning the temperatures had dropped once again to 53°, which was a prelude to the days to come when temps would drop into the high 40s at night and barely reach 60° during the day. This is what we’re told to expect for the next week. Brr! Dick worked at the office for the morning, returning to our camper to see his beloved Ohio State University Buckeyes beat Michigan State 42:13. He was a happy camper!

Dick and I attended First Baptist Church of Rockport on Sunday morning, for the beginning of Advent, and their 5th Sunday prayer service. The first Advent candle was lit, worship songs were sung, and prayers were lifted up by 4 members of the congregation for church leaders, leaders of great country and God's people. They also reminded us that Jesus and the salvation he brings is the reason we can have hope in this dark world. What a wonderful way to begin this holiday season.

After a quick breakfast at Subway, and picking up a few items at Walmart, we headed home. Dick had an 11:00 meeting with the park's owner, and I worked on Dick's sweater, that I hope to have done by Christmas. At 2:00 we met at the clubhouse for the ice cream social and a few games of Pegs & Jokers with friends Bill and Carole, Pam, Alice, Bob and Sharon. Ahem! Attention! The gals walloped the guys, 3:0! Woot-woot!

Then, we headed home to watch the Seattle Seahawks take a win over the Pittsburgh Steelers, 39:30. It was a good day!

That’s it for this week. Our lives have stabilized here in Rockport, but they’re never boring! Thanks for sharing our lives with us. We pray God’s blessing on y’all during this special holiday season.


RJ and Gail

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