Monday, March 31, 2014

Bay View RV Resort – Rockport, Texas – March 24-31, 2014

Winter in Texas is quickly drawing to a close. Although the calendar says the end of March, the weather is still chilly, foggy, and not a bit like Spring. Monday and Tuesday were damp, chilly and definitely more like a Texas winter day, with temperatures only in the low to mid-50s. However, there are still things of beauty that make us smile, like these flowers that we see while on our walks.

Healthwise, we are both feeling better. I’m attributing my ailment of Sunday (yesterday) to allergies, and although I was still being bothered with some congestion, I was much better. My voice had almost returned to normal. Dick was still battling coughing and congestion from his bout with bronchitis; his antibiotics had run out Sunday. What we really need is sunshine and warm weather!

Rain came Wednesday, but also with warmer temps. It was already over 60 degrees by 8 a.m. That afternoon we joined Bill and Carole, Jamie and Ann, Jim and Patsy for Pegs and Jokers at the clubhouse. The women took the men 2:1. Coolio! This was followed by happy hour, and the last dinner of the season at the clubhouse: hotdogs, coleslaw, baked beans, chips, and soda.

Thursday morning we woke to a cloudy but warm morning: 67 degrees at 7:30. The weather people said it would clear by noon, which it did. We walked along Fulton Beach Road and through our RV park for about an hour that morning. As we walked along the road, we noticed a stroke-impaired woman walking, then noticed she lost her balance and veered into a ditch. Dick ran to give her assistance, but she had made it back up to the road by the time we got to her. Thankful she wasn’t hurt…just muddy and wet.

We certainly weren’t disappointed with our venture into “birding” as we walked that morning.  Along Fulton Beach Road we saw a cormorant, blue herons, and the ever-present egret. Then, as we strolled through the park grounds, we saw 9 spoonbills, more ducks, a blue heron, and turtles. They were all out enjoying the day! And, here's a video of spoonbills feeding. We love watching them--they're so entertaining!
Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

Blue Heron

Cattle Egret

Looks like a loon, but it's a Double-Crested Cormorant
with a fish


Guinea Fowl that Dick saw on a motorcycle ride this week

Redhead ducks and Buffleheads

Loggerhead Shrike
Just one of the dozens of turtles gracing our ponds
That afternoon, we played Pegs and Jokers yet again, with Bill and Carole, and Jamie and Ann. Unfortunately for the gals, we could not draw the right cards to give us any wins at all. We lost to the guys 4:0. Dang!

Friday morning dawned with heavy fog and 68 degrees, but the sun did come out by 10 a.m. Was a perfect day to enjoy the day outside reading. We were expecting friends Ron and Kathryn from Fredericksburg, Texas to join us in the park some time that day, to stay for a few weeks. (We enjoyed dinner with them at Moondogs a couple of weeks ago.) They arrived around 4:30, just as we were enjoying happy hour at the clubhouse. They secured a spot directly across from us, recently vacated by Bob and Sharon. So good to see them again!
Ron and Kathryn's 5th Wheel
Ron with Jiggers
That evening Dick and I met my cousin David (Minnesota) and his wife Monica, and their friends Dave and Joan (also from Minnesota), at Charlotte Plummer’s Restaurant on the water in Fulton, for dinner. What a treat to have visiting family from Minnesota! David and Monica were down in “the valley” near Dona, Texas visiting Monica’s parents who were wintering there. It was a short visit, but sure was fun!

L to R: Cousin David and wife Monica,  Joan and Dave,
me and Dick
Dessert at Charlotte Plummers: Chocolate Silk Pie
The sun was shining brightly Saturday morning, with temperatures already in the 60s by 8 a.m. No fog—no humidity! We walked along Fulton Beach Road for about 40 minutes, but saw only an egret. When we returned, we visited with Ron and Kathryn for a while during the park’s craft sale that morning. Kathryn was happy--she bought a couple pair of earrings.

That afternoon, we spent time on our patio with Steve and Karen (Wisconsin). They were getting things packed up for their departure on Monday. It’s so good to make lasting friendships; we’ll see them in the fall when we all return to Rockport.

That evening Dick had to go to the office to do a bit of work. When he was returning to the camper after dark he came upon some deer (there were at least 3) walking through the park. Wish he could’ve gotten a photo.

Sunday was another beautiful day. The sun was shining; there was a slight breeze…beautiful. We attended the 8:30 church service; the message, taken from John 17, was on the prayers of Jesus and how his prayers focused on giving, sending, and sanctifying. The bottom line is that those who reflect the unity Christ prayed about in this scripture, are those who are consecrated to his purpose. Here’s a link to the message:

After church we had breakfast at Caroline’s Turtle Bay Café. Guess I needed another corned beef hash fix! And, Dick needed a bacon pancake (filled a dinner plate!) with cinnamon butter. YUM! That afternoon we just had to have ice cream at the ice cream social, followed by more Pegs and Jokers. The game is usually played with 6 or 8 players, but this day we extended it to 10! Women won 2:0! Yippee-skippee!! We played with Bill and Carole, Ron and Kathryn, Jim and Patsy, Art, and Alice. Fun times!

I’m extending this blog to include Monday, to start the next on tomorrow, April 1. Monday we said goodbye to Steve and Karen (Wisconsin), and to Larry and Terri (Michigan). There were 32 campers pulling out today. Winter Texans are heading out…sad…

Dick and I walked Fulton Beach Road again…so beautiful with the sun shining and a wonderful breeze (more like a wind!) off the Gulf. Oh, how we love this place! Afterward, while Dick worked on stuff for the park, I sat outside reading, and just enjoying the day. The park was so quiet.

After Kathryn and I made a quick trip to H.E.B., a Texas-based grocery store, Ron and Kathryn went with Dick and me to Panjo's for pizza. Again, I say, YUM! While we were there, a gal in the booth behind us attempted to move the bench I was sitting on, not realizing that hers and mine were attached. That precipitated a conversation with her about where she and her husband were from: Two Harbors, Minnesota! Their names were Curt and Mary Joy and, they know friends of ours from Two Harbors (Don and Gloria, and Dwight and Rogene), whom we met while camping in Grand Portage, Minnesota! Small world! 

That’s it for this week. Hope Spring comes quickly for you all!

Sunset over the Bay View pond
RJ and Gail

(P.S.: Happiest of Birthdays to MacKenzie, who turns 13 today! We love you!)

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