Monday, March 17, 2014

Bay View RV Resort – Rockport, Texas – March 10-16, 2014

Now that the season for “Winter Texans” is drawing to a close, we’re saying “happy trails” to new-found friends. But, we’re also saying “hello” to old friends, as well.

Before the season ends we shared a few more meals with friends, both here in the park, and at local eateries. Monday we were invited for dinner to Marty’s and Steve’s, where we indulged in grilled shrimp and walleye that Marty and Steve brought (frozen) from the Great Lakes. In attendance were Hap and Linda (Oklahoma), Bob and Sharon (Missouri), Larry and Terri (Michigan), Dick and me, and of course Marty and Steve (Michigan). Guests provided sides of cheesy potatoes, potato salad, pickled beets and pickled hard boiled eggs. Dessert was dump cake and my coconut cream bread pudding. YUMMM!! Dinner was outside; we just got done eating when the rain started in again, that had been threatening us all evening. Nonetheless, we had a great time sharing stories and laughing.

Tuesday was a beautiful day! Temperatures soared to the mid-70s so it was a good day to be outside. Dick and I walked along Fulton Beach Road for about 40 minutes, enjoying the sound of water lapping against the shoreline, and the sight of birds in the lagoons.

Egrets and Redhead duck

We had received a phone call earlier in the week from friends Ron and Kathryn from Fredericksburg, Texas whom we met and got to know well while we were in Grand Portage, Minnesota last summer. Their camper was in the shop for a week or so having minor adjustments done, so they decided to trek south to the Coastal Bend of Texas to see us and scout out the area for a future trip. They arrived late in the afternoon, while we were enjoying happy hour at Bob and Sharon’s. Joining us at happy hour were Steve and Karen (Wisconsin), Larry and Terri (Michigan),  and Lawrence and Anne (Canada). The weather was just so perfect.

L to R: Steve, Lawrence, me, Sharon, Larry, Terri, Anne,
Karen and Bob
Poor Shane and Ferbie, Bob's and Sharon's dogs, were
 relegated  to the camper during happy hour.
Ron and Kathryn, Dick and I went to Moondogs for dinner, where we sat outside enjoying the weather and sights. Moondogs is located on Fulton Harbor so we watched the oyster boats come in with their haul (usually about fifty 100 lb. bags per boat per day). Dick dined on shrimp quesadilla, I had a blackened grouper sandwich, Kathryn had bacon-wrapped shrimp brochette, and Ron—who loves oysters—had a dozen raw oysters followed by a half-and-half platter of fried oysters and shrimp. Good stuff! Then, the fog rolled in. Brr! The temperatures dropped about 15 degrees in 30 minutes. We headed back to the clubhouse for an evening of Pegs and Jokers with friends Bill and Carole (Arkansas)—and warmth! Oh, and women take the men = 2:1! Woot-woot!

View from Moondogs - Fulton Harbor
Ron and Kathryn

Stools at the bar inside Moondogs
Oyster boat coming in with its haul of oysters in the
burlap bags
The harbor from Moondogs
Wednesday was another beautiful day, with temperatures reaching the high 70s with bright sunshine most of the day. While Ron and Kathryn explored the area, Dick walked along Fulton Beach Road for more photo ops. I had things to do around the camper—and spent the time visiting with Sharon and Bob, and Karen and Steve. That afternoon was another round or two of Pegs and Jokers with Bob and Sharon, Bill and Carole, and Jamie and Ann (South Dakota). Try as we did, women could only tie the men 1:1. There’s always next time, ladies!

Kathryn and Ron joined us for happy hour at the clubhouse, followed by dinner of scalloped potatoes and ham, green beans, and dessert. During happy hour there is always a 50-50 money pot: $1 per ticket or 6 for $5. The pot is split between the winning ticket holder and the resort activities fund. Wouldn’t you know…Ron won! Good grief… He split the win with Dick, which paid for our dinner that night. Thanks, Ron!

Another couple of hours were spent after dinner playing a few games of Pegs and Jokers. Women: 2, men: 1. Woot-woot!

Sometime during this week Dick decided to get sick, with a terrible cough. Of course, he’s of the mindset that he can beat this without seeing a doctor…we’ll see.

Thursday morning we had a wonderful breakfast with Ron and Kathryn before they headed back to Fredericksburg. We introduced them to Caroline’s Turtle Baby Café and her corned beef hash. YUM! After a number of cups of coffee, we said farewell, wishing them safe travels. We hope to see them at Bay View within the next few weeks before we head west the end of April.

After breakfast Dick and I decided to drive to the Rockport Cemetery (est. 1876) where wildflowers were blooming profusely. Unfortunately, there was a funeral procession traveling through the cemetery so we couldn’t get close. However, these photos of blue bonnets at the cemetery were taken by friend Bonnie (Idaho) who kindly shared them with me.
Blue bonnets at the Rockport Cemetery.

Later that afternoon, after Dick spent a few hours working on Terri and Larry’s computer, we spent time at Karen and Steve’s for happy hour—actually it was happy hours! (This is becoming a regular occurrence!) Joining us were Bob and Sharon, who provided cheese, sliced salami and crackers, Art (Wisconsin), and Larry and Terri (Michigan). Steve/Larry provided pizza, too. So much for our plans for dinner—I didn’t need to cook!

Dick was still coughing badly on Friday, but thought he was better. Uh-huh… We walked along Fulton Beach Road again, sighting more birds and flowers. Because Dick is the “computer doctor” here in the park, folks are calling on him to fix (or try to fix) many and sundry problems. This day was no different. He tackled a video card problem for another camper, but ended up sending her to Tech Time for resolution.

While he worked on computers, I visited with friends Lawrence and Anne (Canada) at their camper. What a delightful couple! They shared shrimp scampi with me, for a light snack. Yum!

Blue Heron near the Resort pond

Turtles in the Resort pond
That evening after happy hour in the family clubhouse, we attended a fish fry dinner hosted by Paul, the Resort’s owner, to thank the work campers for their hours of service. We were served grilled and deep fried fish (caught by some of the campers), fried potatoes, hush puppies, potato salad, pasta salad, green salad, a HUGE bowl of fresh fruit, and chips and dip—all followed by cake and ice cream to celebrate the birthday of one of the campers. The dinner was held outside at the Resort’s adult clubhouse. What a wonderful evening. And, such good food! We certainly didn’t go hungry! (We forgot to bring the camera, but take our word for it, there was LOTS of food for the 50 or so campers in attendance!)

Dick and I then headed back to the family clubhouse for an evening of Pegs and Jokers. (We never seem to get tired of that game!) Again, the women come out on top, winning 2:1. Woot-woot!

Saturday was departure day for Bob and Sharon, as they headed to Dallas for a week before turning the camper towards home in Missouri. It could’ve been quite the sight, as this was a new 5th wheel for them, with a new truck—they had never pulled the camper before (the dealer delivered it onsite). We thought of selling tickets, but they took off without a problem, to spend one night in Austin on their way to Dallas. They were hooked up by 8:30 that morning, and gone by 8:45. So sad to see them leave, but they’ll be back in the fall, as will the rest of us. The next few months will go by quickly.
Farewell! L to R: Carole, Steve, Sharon, me, Karen,
Joe (new neighbor from New York),  and Bob
The 50 foot "train" getting ready to pull out.
Saturday we received word from Marvin and Shirley (Illinois) that upon returning home Thursday, Shirley ended up in the ER with a gall bladder attack. Successful surgery was performed Friday morning and she was recuperating at home Friday evening. So thankful she was home when this happened, and not on the road. We wish you a speedy and healthy recovery, dear Shirley.

Sunday, Dick is still coughing and hacking. Gee, do you think he should see a doctor? Hmmm… By 2 p.m. he’s feeling up to ice cream and Pegs and Jokers at the clubhouse, so off we go. (He’s been drugging himself with cough syrup and Daycare.) At the table this day to play Pegs and Jokers, we had Jamie and Ann (South Dakota), Art (Wisconsin), Alice (Nebraska), and Bill and Carole (Arkansas). What fun! Guess the guys were tired of getting beat, so they came at us with a vengeance! They won both games. (We’ll get ‘em next time!)

That’s it for this week. Thanks for joining us, and hope to hear from you. As friends Gary and Pam Ray from Oregon say, TTFN!


RJ and Gail

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