Monday, April 25, 2016

Bay View RV Resort – Rockport, Texas – April 18-24, 2016

Our time here in Rockport continues to grow shorter. Just 6 short days from now we’ll be doing our final packing and heading out. These past 5½ months have gone so quickly. Many of our friends have left for home—or other parts of the U.S. for the summer. Some will be leaving later, and some staying year ‘round. We all do plan to return in the fall.

Temperatures were pretty consistent this past week, starting out in the high 60s or low 70s, with high temps in the mid-80s. Many days were cloud-covered in the morning, but clear and cloudless skies in the afternoon. Humidity cooperated, in that many of the days it didn’t get above 55%. Perfect! Thankfully, the rain that hit Houston veered north and east of us so we received just under 2” rather than the deluge that we expected.

Dick worked a few hours almost every day. Knowing we’d be leaving soon, he wanted to make certain there weren’t any loose ends. I continued Yoga on my own a couple of times. (I figured 2-3 times per week were enough for now.)

Texas Hold ‘em continued to draw folks throughout the park. And…Dick continues to play Monday afternoons and Wednesday evenings. So far, we’re not getting rich on it…ha!

Monday Dick and I had dinner with friends Bonnie and Jerry at one of our favorite restaurants, Paradise Key, located just south of Rockport along the Gulf. The day had been rainy and stormy, but we had a break in the action as we went to dinner.  We dined on Mahi Mahi and chips, meatloaf with mashed potatoes, shrimp alfredo, and shrimp teriyaki. Such good times with such good friends!

I attended Tuesday’s Stitch & Bitch session, with 4 other friends. There’ll be just 1 more get-together before we leave. We determined that we should have a project that would draw others in from the park who don’t do crafting, so we chatted about that for a while. The project will be crocheting mats for the homeless in Corpus Christi. Those who don’t crochet can donate clean plastic grocery bags and cut them up for use. It takes about 1,000 bags for a mat 3’ x 6’—we’d better start collecting now!

That evening we had dinner at Panjo’s Pizza with friends Steve and Marty, Tom and Joy, and Lynda. Again…such good times with such good friends. Steve and Marty, and Lynda will be here year ‘round, with the exception of a couple of months in the summer. Tom and Joy left Friday for home in northern Minnesota.

Wednesday, while I did Yoga, and before Dick went to work, he walked the park and Fulton Beach Road. Apparently, there was quite a bird convention in the back pond in our park.

That evening was Texas Hold ‘em for him, and an evening of knitting for me.

Friends Ron and Kathryn (from Fredericksburg, Texas, and whom we met our 2nd year in Grand Portage, MN) arrived for a 10-night stay on Thursday. We arranged for them to have a site almost directly across from us. So good to see them again, and we plan to do quite a few things with them while they’re here.

That evening the 4 of us went to the Oyster House for dinner. Ron loves oysters, so he had his fill with 3 orders (it was all you can eat night)! Kathryn and I had fried shrimp, and Dick had shrimp Alfredo. Yum!

Afterward, we went to the clubhouse for an evening of Pegs & Jokers, with Bill and Carole. Yea! Women won 2:1. Yes!

Friday morning was beautiful, with a light breeze, low humidity, and sunshine. Dick and I walked the park and along Fulton Beach Road. We saw Egrets, Herons, Tri-colored Herons and Ducks in the park, and a male Cardinal and female Ladder-backed Woodpecker along Fulton Beach.

Dick then worked on a few things in the camper before happy hour at Bonnie and Jerry’s site. There were almost 20 of us in their back yard swapping stories (we never seem to run out of them!), laughing and talking. Such fun! We will miss them when we leave. 

Dick worked on Saturday for most of the day. Friends Ron and Kathryn had a visit from his daughter and her boyfriend, so we puppy-sat their Yorkie, Jigger. Such a good boy! He spent most of the afternoon outside with me, and later inside atop our couch napping.

That afternoon we had a wonderful visit from friend Joe (who lost his wife Ida to cancer last year), for almost an hour and a half. He shared his plans to travel west, to meet friends he met on a cancer web-site. We wish him well.

Sunday was our last morning at First Baptist Church of Rockport. We’ll miss these services, but are glad we can still hear Pastor Jones on He continued his sermon series on “God’s Imperfect but Transformed People in and Unbelieving Culture.” This week’s message was taken from 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, 3:1; the theme was illumination. The 2 points he made were: wisdom from God is received through the Holy Spirit, not the world; and spiritual maturity comes from applying God’s wisdom to all parts of our lives. Mature believers are illumined by the Holy Spirit and are changed by the cross of Jesus Christ. His question to us was: do we demonstrate spiritual maturity by applying God’s wisdom to our lives, through the Holy Spirit?  Click on the link above to hear it.

After breakfast at home, Dick again went to work before joining me at the clubhouse to play Pegs & Jokers with Bill and Carole, Kathryn, Lynda, Sue and Kristi. Sadly, the women lost 2:1. Ah well, there’s always next year.

That’s it for this week. Thanks for continuing to read our blog—or at least look at the pictures! Stay tuned for more next week!


RJ and Gail

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