Monday, March 21, 2016

Bay View RV Resort – Rockport, Texas – March 14-20, 2016

Temperatures this week ranged between 58° and the mid-70s in the morning hours. However, the sun quickly warmed things up, with temps in the low 80s by mid-afternoon. Lots of sunshine and breezes!
This week was more of the same: Yoga, Pilates and Sweatin’ to the Oldies for me; walking the park and Fulton Beach Road for Dick, and working on the weekend. On his walks through the park he saw egrets, spoonbills, ducks, tri-colored herons and sandpipers. 

His walk along Fulton Beach Road brought a sparrow hawk, egrets and gulls. 

Monday afternoon he spent a few hours playing Texas Hold ‘em, finishing 3rd & wining $5.

I spent most of Tuesday and Wednesday morning at the clubhouse with friends helping Lynda make burlap and lace roses for her daughter’s June wedding. Lynda bought yards and yards of different shades of burlap, as well as lace. Then, she soaked the burlap in a mixture of water and glue, letting them dry in the Texas sun, resulting in very stiff burlap! Over the 2 days there were 14 ladies helping out: cutting petals (in both lace and burlap), and gluing, and wrapping wire. She needs 144 of them! They'll be used as centerpieces. By the time we finished up on Wednesday she had almost 70 of them done. We figure another couple days would get them all done.

Dick climbed up on the roof of our camper to fix a leak in the skylight over our shower. Apparently when the skylight was installed one of the screws was tightened too much, causing a crack in the plastic. He caulked it, and when we get to Marvin and Shirley’s in May we’ll have the skylight replaced. Wouldn’t you know that the deluge of last week brought it to our attention when water was pooling on the bathroom floor. The skylight extends a bit over the shower enclosure—yup, that’s where the leak was. 

Tuesday afternoon we went to Wii bowling, but part way through the first game it died. No more Wii bowling ‘til we get another game. Next week shuffle board will replace Wii bowling. 

That evening we went to Panjo’s pizza with friends Bob and Sharon, David and Marihelen, Dick and Fran, and Bill and Arleen. Time is growing short for some of us, as plans are being made to leave for the summer. We’ll have just a few weeks left to enjoy one another's company ‘til next fall. We decided we needed ice cream so we trekked down the block for scoops of Blue Bunny ice cream! Yum!

Wednesday we welcomed Todd and Candy and their dog Charlie (Minnesota) to our site for a visit, shortly before we all walked to David and Marihelen’s for a fish fry. Bob and Sharon joined us. David deep fried lots of Sheepshead fish accompanied by potato salad, veggies and dip, cheese and crackers, pickles and olives, and coconut pie for dessert. We were stuffed! 

 Later that evening Dick went to the clubhouse to play Texas Hold ‘em.

After Pilates on Thursday morning a few of us spent time moving tables and chairs to prepare for the evening’s St. Patrick’s Day dinner. Later in the day we met again at 3:00 to set tables and finish decorating. Over 80 folks came for Chef Betty’s traditional dinner of corned beef and cabbage, potatoes, Irish soda bread, and lots of table treats for dessert. YUMMY-YUMMY! After dinner the park’s Baysiders band played for anyone interested in dancing, or just listening.

Friday’s lunch was at the clubhouse for hamburgers or crab cake sandwiches. Along with the burgers and sandwiches we had veggies and dip, and left-over desserts from the previous night’s dinner. YUM-YUM!

At 4:00 a few of us went to the clubhouse for happy hour. Afterward, David and Marihelen invited us to their place for shrimp dinner. David had gone fishing earlier that day, but was skunked so he stopped and bought 5# of fresh caught shrimp for dinner. We had shrimp and leftover potato salad. O, my goodness! David boiled the shrimp with the heads on, so we had to peel them, but what a treat!!! The shrimp were HUGE! Neighbors Dan and Donna (NY) with their black lab Callie, and Bob and Maggie (Missouri) also stopped by. Lots of stories were shared, and lots of laughter!

Friday night brought a thunderstorm and lots of wind. Power was knocked out in the area for almost 5 hours, from about 4:00 a.m. ‘til just before 9:00. It gets really dark here in the park when the lights are out…  Dick worked most of the day at the office, but met me at the clubhouse at 9:30 for cinnamon rolls and coffee. Then while he went back to work, I knitted; I’m on #5 of 8 baby sweaters, so I’m making progress!

That evening Dick and I went to First Baptist Church of Rockport for The Sanctuary Choir’s Easter cantata, “The Day He Wore My Crown,” and communion. Here’s just a sample of the caliber of music we heard. Hannah Dishongh is the soloist.

Because services at the church were the cantata, Sunday we elected to stay home rather than go again. Dick went to work again (he can only work when he has access to the office computers) and I worked on the sweaters. That afternoon we met at the clubhouse to play Pegs & Jokers. This wasn’t a good day for the gals. There were 2 tables of players, and the gals won just 1 of the 6 games played. Oh, well, there’s always next time.

March Madness has struck our household, so we’ve been watching quite a bit of college basketball, which we enjoy.

Hope this finds you well. Our activities will be winding down over the next 2 weeks, as folks will be leaving for home. We plan to leave May 1 so we’ll see a pretty empty park before then. Summer folks will be arriving later that month.

Until next week, stay safe and healthy.

RJ and Gail

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