Monday, March 2, 2015

Bay View RV Resort, Rockport, Texas – February 23-March 1, 2015

 This was a busy week for Dick. The resort’s owner was still in town (until Thursday), so Dick worked extended hours almost every day. That was OK, as it gave me time to work on some knitted projects that have been hanging over my head.

Weather this week was pretty sketchy. Almost warm, but not quite; almost rainy, but not mostly drizzle; wind gusts often to 20+ mph on a couple days. It’s sweatshirt/sweater/sweats weather. So glad we’ve got our winter gear with us, as the chilly dampness penetrates, and makes for us not wanting to be outdoors very often. We really aren’t complaining though, as we’re faring better than much of the nation. NO SNOW!!!

Our “foster cat,” Lucy, has come to trust us more and more; she’s been spending between 10 and 12 hours indoors with us every night, and even visiting us during the day for a couple of hours. She’s such a little love. Lucy has taken up a perch atop our couch, sleeping there when she doesn’t have access to Dick’s lap. Thanks, Joe and Ida, for letting us care for her!

Tuesday morning I attended the weekly session of “Stitch and B…” with about a dozen other ladies. Some came to knit, some to crochet, and some to just chat. No quilters this week. I was finishing a scarf I was working on for friend Pam, who had given up on this pattern and gave the yarn and pattern to me. She was surprised I completed it for her! Will give it to her when we meet again, either in Minnesota or back here in Rockport next fall.

Later that morning three of us, Marty, Karen and I, went shopping. We hit Sears, Eleanor’s (a little gift/coffee place), Bealls, Castaways (a local thrift shop), and Walmart (groceries, etc.). Then we headed to the Butter Churn (a local buffet) in Aransas Pass for a birthday lunch for friend Terri. We met Terri, her husband Larry, and Treva, a friend of Terri. The 6 of us noshed on everything the buffet had to offer. The Butter Churn prepares food in a home-cooked way, so everything was really good! And, tasted just like home!

Wednesday was happy hour at 4:00 p.m., followed by our weekly dinner at the Family Club House. Chef Betty prepared another wonderful meal of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, grilled asparagus, rolls and butter—and—cherry crunch pie ala mode. YUM! (Guess I should take photos of our weekly fare, so you can drool along with us!)

Thursday morning Dick was out the door by 7:00 a.m. to take the resort’s owner to the airport in Corpus Christi for his return trip home to Dallas. While in Corpus Dick made a few stops to pick up items for the park, so he didn’t get back to Rockport until almost mid-afternoon. While he was gone I made the obligatory trek to the laundry, which took only about an hour and a half for 3 loads. We’re always glad when that’s done.

That evening we met Marv and Shirley, Randy and Jeri, and Bill and Carole for 3 games of Pegs & Jokers. Outcome: women: 2, men:1. Woot-woot! I should mention that while we play Pegs & Jokers, others (up to 40 people) are playing bingo and pool, so the club house is busy!

Friday brought our weekly lunch at the club house; because it’s Lent fish sandwiches were served along with hamburgers. Oven fries were piled high for our taking, too! And then there was the jello mold made with red hots and applesauce! YUM! Chef Betty was selling containers of meatless sloppy joes, too, so I took some home for meals when I don’t feel like cooking. This recipe is also very good as a rice salad. Really good!

That afternoon’s happy hour was a “wine tasting” with snacks to share. There were over a dozen different wines, each supplied by our park campers. About 20 folks joined in, so the wine tasting was really successful. We’ll be doing this again.

Friday evening we celebrated friend Bob’s 62nd birthday with dinner at Paradise Key restaurant. Located on a bay in Rockport, it has incredible view of the nearby marina, bay, and sunset—when it’s not raining or overcast as it was that night. Folks noshed on fish ‘n’ chips (2 huge pieces of flounder with home-made chips), coconut shrimp, mahi mahi, grilled shrimp, steak, chicken, and more. For dessert Bob was presented with a “Brownie Explosion,” which was actually a HUGE warm brownie topped with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and a cherry—oh, and there were also candles (not quite 62, but enough so we got the idea! Ha!) What a fun evening. Bob received the obligatory sicko birthday cards, so we had good laughs over each one.

Paradise Key

Bob, the gang, and Sharon, Bob's wife

Saturday, while Dick worked for a while, I did catch-up stuff here in the camper. Thankfully, with just the 2 of us there’s not much cleaning to do!

That evening we met Marv and Shirley, Randy and Jeri, and Bob and Sharon at the Rockport Little Theatre for “9 to 5, the Musical.” Based on the 1980 movie, “9 to 5,” it’s the story of 3 women (an overworked office manager, a jilted wife, and a sexy secretary) who conspire to give their domineering and quite lecherous boss the boot, in order to make woman-friendly changes in the workplace. The 3 women discover their boss’s creative financing and embezzling schemes, and make plans to use that against him. In the end the company’s CEO arrives on scene, gives the boss credit for the changes made and promotes him to heading the office in Bolivia, and the office manager is promoted to President. This 2-hour+ play was entertaining, but not quite what we remembered the original movie to be. Good for a night out, though.

 Then, we headed to Dairy Queen to satiate our desire for ice cream. Yum!

Sunday morning we attended First Baptist Church of Rockport, where Pastor Jones continued his series on Spiritual Awakening. This week his message focused on the Old Testament book of Joshua, chapter 14, verses 6-15. Caleb was a man whose obedience, and unwavering and wholehearted faith in God brought tremendous blessing to him and his family, leaving a legacy that was more than material things. At 85 years of age Caleb was a perfect example of what the seniors and elderly in the church should be to others—and ultimately the example we should all be as believers. Pastor’s final question was, “What impact will I have on those around me, and leave behind when I’m gone?”

Rather than eat breakfast out, we decided to head home for scrambled eggs, bacon, fried potatoes, toast and grapefruit. YUM-YUM! We needed sustenance for the afternoon’s games of Pegs & Jokers. We had enough folks for 2 tables: Marv and Shirley, Randy and Jeri, and their friends Steve and Pam were at table A, while Bob and Sharon, Bill and Carole, and Dick and I were at table B. The gals at table A won only 1 of the 3 games they played, while the gals at table B won 2 of the games we played. Woot-woot!

Mom loves to snitch, and this time she snitched the frosting from her birthday cake. At 94,
who's going to argue?? Below Mom, clockwise is my brother Rich and niece MacKenzie
with Mom; brother Ron helping her with packages; cousin Brian showing Mom some
photos of her brother Roger (Brian's dad) and others; Mom enjoying her birthday cake
with brother Ron, Brian and Brian's wife, Susan. Wish we could've been there!
Sunday was also my mom’s 94th birthday. We were so sorry to not be there for the celebration, but my brother Ron and his wife Debby, my brother Rich and niece MacKenzie, and cousin Brian and his wife Susan were there to make merry.  Here’s a photo of Mom sneaking frosting from her cake. Thanks to all who sent her cards.

That’s it for this week. Time is going so quickly. It’s hard to believe we’re entering our final full month here at Bay View. Then, we begin meandering north to Minnesota, to be there by May 10. Stay tuned. There’s more to come!

Hugs ‘n’ love,
RJ and Gail

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