Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week in Review: May 13-17 ~~ Cloquet, Minnesota

 Mother’s Day, Sunday, and what good day it was! We brought Mom home from Sunnyside Health Care Center, after a 3-week stay with “those old people,” as she would say. She was more than ready! We picked her up at 10:30 and were home by 10:45. Because Mom has a bit of a memory problem, she was a little confused as to where she now was, but within a couple of days everything was once again familiar.

Even though the temperatures were in the low-30s and it was really windy, it was sunny. We moved the Sundance off the street, parking it alongside the garage until our next trip.  Didn’t hook up anything, as we’re staying in my mom’s house while we’re here. 

That afternoon my mom’s youngest sister Fern and her husband Kenny, from Grand Marais, stopped by for a visit, on their way home from Minneapolis. They were amazed to see how well Mom is moving around with a walker. Occasionally Mom takes off without it, but soon realizes how much more stable she is when she uses it.

Dick and I decided that the walker she was using was too big for her, so Monday we went to the local medical supply store and picked up a smaller one (more similar to the one she was using in physical therapy at the hospital), a handle for the bath tub, railings for alongside the toilet, and a hand-held shower head. Dick installed everything that afternoon while I made chocolate chip cookies. Then, we celebrated with the ever-ready cup of coffee and cookies! Temperatures were still in the low-30s that morning, but thankfully, NO SNOW!

By Tuesday afternoon the temps had risen to the high-70s; rain started in the morning but changed to sun that afternoon. It was a good day to set up some of the deck furniture so we could be outside to enjoy the sunshine and warmth.  We still have the deck swings to uncover, but that’ll come next weekend in time for Memorial Day.

Wednesday Dick and I visited Sherri, our local hairdresser. Yeah! Feels so good to have the locks shorn again. 

The temperatures had risen to the low-80s that afternoon so we spent the afternoon out on the deck; Mom doing her word find puzzles, Dick reading and me knitting. Love that sun!

Mom’s pastor, Doug Green, stopped by for a visit that afternoon, announcing that he’s going to retire in September. He’s been in Mom’s church for over 27 years.

Thursday was another beautiful and sunny day, with temperatures reaching the mid-70s. Dick visited the dentist and Mom and I sat outside again, before I picked up MacKenzie from school. She spent the afternoon and early evening with us and helped me make comfort food for dinner: meatloaf, baked potatoes and fresh asparagus. YUM! There wasn’t much left! Oh, and I made two loaves of banana bread that night.

Friday was my turn at the dentist.  Good thing Dick checked out my teeth before we got married—I’m still in good shape! No problems.

That afternoon I accompanied my brother Rich as he sang “The Lord’s Prayer” at a memorial service in downtown Cloquet. I hadn’t played a piano or keyboard since August last year, but it’s sorta like riding a bike—it comes back. Went very well. While I was gone, and Dick was downstairs in the basement, Mom sat down at her piano and played for over a half hour. She won’t play when I’m there—or when she knows anyone is there for that matter.  Dick heard her playing and was thoroughly entertained for that little while. She played hymn after hymn—so glad she does that.

Later that afternoon Dick and I drove to Duluth to attend the wedding of a cousin of mine, at the Greysolon Hotel. Turned out to be quite the family reunion! Saw aunts and uncles and cousins; some cousins I hadn’t seen in over 45 years! By the time we drove the 18 miles to my mom’s, the temperature had dropped to the high-40s, with wind. Rain appeared overnight, making Saturday morning dreary and gray.
Groom Brian (cousin) and Bride Susan

Flower girl Katelyn and ring bearer Nikoli

Cousin Julie and her husband Peter
Uncle David and Aunt Glenna
Gail with cousins Kara and Kim

Cousin Jane (right) and her daughter

Cousin Susie (right) and her kids. I haven't seen Susie
since she was just a baby
Temperatures were in the low-40s on Saturday morning, with fog and occasional drizzle. My uncle David (you may remember me mentioning him over the past year—he had a stroke a year ago), aunt Glenna and their two daughters Kim and Kara stopped on their way back to the Minneapolis area following the Friday night wedding. Kim’s and Kara’s husbands were child-sitting while they were taking a much-needed break from homemaking, to attend the wedding. Was so good to spend time with them again.

That evening, my brother Rich, wife Karen, and daughter MacKenzie came for pizza and game night. After devouring salad, half a pepperoni pizza, and half an all-meat pizza, we tackled “Pegs and Jokers.” (Remember, Dick had been given this game for his birthday, when we were in Illinois.) Only five of us played, so we didn’t compete in teams. I won the first game (Yeah! Marv and Shirl, I didn’t even have to move around the board!) I didn’t do so well the second time around…Dick won. It was still a good game and lots of fun.

That’s it for this week. We’ll be here in Cloquet for the next few weeks, so our adventures may be a bit sparse, but nevertheless we’ll keep you informed.

Hugs and blessings to you as we head into a new week.

Lake Tahoe, Christmas 2012
Dick and Gail

P.S.: Oh yeah – almost forgot… We received word that daughter Hollee and son-in-law David are expecting a baby girl in early November! Whoohoo! Grandparents once again!

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