Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week in Review: December 30 through January 5

Sunday began at Lake Tahoe under cloudy and snowy skies. Yes, it was snowing yet again, giving us another 3" of that beautiful white stuff! It was our last full day at the "Cummings' Tahoe" home, and day full of football. Hollee and David are avid Packers fans, so in full regalia they watched my Minnesota Vikings beat their beloved Packers, 37 to 34. (Sad, but as we know the Packers had their way with the Vikings yesterday with a 24 to 10 win in the wild card game.)

Thought you'd enjoy meeting our Tahoe family; here's Dick with Hollee and David, and their "kids," Grapejuice and Max-a-Million.


Monday was a beautiful, sunny, and almost snow-blinding as the sun shone brightly for us on our departure day. Our flight left Reno at 12:30 p.m. bound for Phoenix and then for San Antonio. The temps were in the high teens when we left Incline Village, but soared to the low 30s as we traveled over the mountain to Reno. Our last view of Lake Tahoe was what appeared to billions of diamonds sparkling on a crystal clear sea of blue. Gorgeous! Thank you, God, for giving us this opportunity to enjoy your creation in all its splendor.

Our flight left Reno on time, landing in Phoenix a few minutes early. So far so good. However, as we arrived at our departure gate we learned that the inbound flight from Oakland had a medical emergency on board, so it was diverted. Our flight was delayed for a bit over 2 hours, due now to leave at 7:35 p.m. Thus, our fight arrived in San Antonio at 10:45. By the time we retrieved the black beast from its parking lot and got back to our "home" in Rockport, it was 2:30 a.m. Happy New Year! Thankfully, the drive was rainy but uneventful, and everything around the home-site was okay when we arrived.

Funny how the older one gets, the more sleep is important! The loss of sleep on New Year’s Eve night took its toll--New Year's Day I was able to sleep in until 8 a.m., but Dick slept until almost 10. We awoke to a rainy, cold, and breezy day, with temperatures in the low 40s. Not the t-shirt and sandals weather we had been hoping for. Even though it was a holiday we needed breakfast and groceries, so we braved the weather and headed out to our favorite store. Afterward we hunkered down to watch football...and take multiple naps during the day. 

Wednesday was yet another rainy and gloomy day--and cold. Temps were still hovering around 40. A raw wind was gusting through the park, so it was miserable to be out. However, we did take a 45-minute walk around the park, and we did venture out to investigate new phone plans. And, because I was having issues with the internet and my computer we headed to the "golden arches" to test it out. Everything appeared to be OK, so after a cup of hot coffee to warm the innards we headed home. Another nap and an afternoon of knitting were in order for me; another nap and another nap and another nap was in order for Dick. Thursday was more of the same.

Friday and Saturday were still rainy, gloomy, breezy and cold. We just stayed in and enjoyed the warmth of our cozy little home. Love it! I completed a knitting project I had started in Tahoe, the April Showers scarf. Good day for reading, surfing the net, and yes, more knitting!

The weather next week is supposed to be much warmer and sunnier, with showers expected only on Tuesday and Wednesday. Hopefully we'll be able to get out and do some exploring, and share more photos of the area. 

Thanks for sticking with us through our travels. Only wish you could be here to enjoy them with us.

Love 'n' hugs,
Dick and Gail

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